There are more Bad Bosses than great.
A Bad Boss in your #workplace not only impacts mental well-being of your employees but also leads to loss of productivity, quality of your products or services, your client satisfaction & ultimately your profits.
Companies fail to hire the right #peoplemanager 82% of the times.
They promote a guy to become a team leader just because this person-
Showed great performance in his individual capacity role.
Has been with the company for a long time.
Is blocking someone else’s promotion.
Whereas, it is important to assess if this person has the capability to:
Put the right people in the right roles.
Create a culture of clear accountability.
Engage employees with a compelling vision.
Motivate every employee individually.
Coach and develop their people by focusing on their strengths.
Make decisions based on productivity, not politics.
Build trust and dialogue with their people about both work and life outside of work.
People leave managers, not companies.
One in two employees have left a job to get away from a manager and improve their overall life at some point in their career.
As an #employer and #hr, you would be doing a huge CSR if you don’t breed #badbosses.
You wouldn’t need to invest in any #mentalwellbeing initiatives by just weeding off your bad people managers.
Help your employees leave their office in a happy, positive state of mind, every single day.